What is my Hair Type?
What is my hair type?
The words Fine, Medium, Coarse are referring to the diameter of the individual strands of your hair. When you hold an individual strand of your hair is it very skinny like a piece of thread or more coarse and thick like a piece of twine? Maybe somewhere in between?
The Density refers to how many hairs per square inch are on your scalp. This is often what people think of when they say they have “thin hair” or “thick hair.” It’s the amount of hair you have on your head. Low density means less hair per square inch (maybe even seeing scalp,) medium density is somewhere between, high density means a lot of hair per square inch (no visible scalp.)
Next, the words Straight, Wavy, Curly, Coily, Kinky refer to the shape in which the strands grow from your head. Here’s a visual representation if you’re unsure of what category you fall under.